Know about physical security Insider Threats before it’s too late

Let us monitor any insider threat activities such as suspicious behavior, access card sharing and cloning, access phishing, tailgating, and access outliers in your building so that nothing gets omitted.

Leverage Background, Historical and Real-Time Data from Disparate Sources to Faster Detect Problems

Identify proactively high-risk profiles by tracking user historical behavioral data in real-time and over time. Automatically flag & decline access to users visiting a site at abnormal hours, accessing areas they have never visited, and attempting to enter the unauthorized areas.

The Security of your Organization Starts with the Reliable Data

Identify gaps, and anomalies and remedy misconfigured security devices and access policies so that companies can maintain continuous compliance across the entire organization. Detect data blindspots such as blank or null records, duplicate records, incorrect formats, wrong encoding, and missing values.

Evidence and Reporting at your Fingertips

Turn data from various systems (Physical Access Control, Identity Management, Badging, Video Management, Event Management, and IoT) into key reports and actionable insights giving you key insights into what’s happening in your company – misuse of temporary badges, and/or too many remote doors unlocked. Identify access anomalies for security investigation.

Does your company know its vulnerabilities?

Contact us today and let us help you solve any insider threats
you may not even be aware of.

Our solutions work even better together

Physical Workforce
Identity Management Suite
Security OperationsSuite
Threat IntelligenceSuite
Application Studios
+ Self-service Application
+ Badging Credentialing Application
+ External Contractor Portal & Management
+ Bulk Operations Manager
+ Site Manager
+ External Company Manager
+ Task & Request Manager
+ Temp Card Manager
+ Background Security Checks
+ Cleanse Data De-duplication Application
+ Application Design Studio
+ Communication Studio
+ Third-Party Application Integration Studio
+ Multi-language Support Manager
+ Dashboard & Reporting Application
+ Identity & Area Audits
+ Transfer Audits
+ Real-time Audit Refresh Manager
+ AI-based Audit Tasks
Recommendation Engine
+ Bulk Audit Tasks Manager
+  Dashboards & Reports Manager
+ Access Reconciliation Application
+ Audit Scheduler & Tracker Application
+ Reminders & Escalation Application
+ Communication Studio
+ Application Design Studio
+ Reception (VMO) Manager
+ Kiosks & Mobile Kiosks
+ Application Design Studio
+ Watchlist Manager
+ Temp Card Manager
+ Dashboard & Reports Manager
+ Reception (VMO) Manager
+ Kiosks & Mobile Kiosks
+ Application Design Studio
+ Watchlist Manager
+ Temp Card Manager
+ Dashboard & Reports Manager
+ Real-Time Streaming Engine
+ AI & ML Models for Physical Security
+ AI Recommendation Engine
+ Playbook Studios
+ Integration Studios
+ Communication Studios
+ User Interface Studios
+ Report Studios