24/7 Peace of mind for your staff, patients and visitors

As a patient or a hospital employee, the last thing you should worry about is safety and security. With the rising violence against healthcare workers and senior leaders, you need a solution to ensure a better quality of care for patients and providers.

When Safety Matters the Most, You Can’t Miss a Thing

Manage the entire third-party staff from contractors, vendors, and medical students to outpatients from a single pane dashboard, consolidating insights across all of your healthcare facilities, ensuring policies are consistently and accurately enforced.

Automate Onboarding & Offboarding

Reduce the security threats and manage identities using AI for visibility and control of your physical environment. Maintain the productivity of your caregivers by provisioning access where they need immediately.

Automate & Integrate Access Control

Manage all access levels in real time. Secure and prevent unauthorized access to highly secure areas of the hospital. Vector Flow’s solution provides insights and recommendations based on role, location, campus, and peer group analysis while improving patient care and the safety of caregivers.

Make your Hospital Smarter, Safer, and more Secure.

Vector Flow is the industry leader for digital transformation in healthcare.
We understand the complexity and uniqueness for healthcare workflows which will empower
the use of data across the enterprise. Our solutions are made with simplicity in mind.
Designed for any hospital- large or small. Contact our healthcare experts today.

Our solutions work even better together

Physical Workforce
Identity Management Suite
Security OperationsSuite
Threat IntelligenceSuite
Application Studios
+ Self-service Application
+ Badging Credentialing Application
+ External Contractor Portal & Management
+ Bulk Operations Manager
+ Site Manager
+ External Company Manager
+ Task & Request Manager
+ Temp Card Manager
+ Background Security Checks
+ Cleanse Data De-duplication Application
+ Application Design Studio
+ Communication Studio
+ Third-Party Application Integration Studio
+ Multi-language Support Manager
+ Dashboard & Reporting Application
+ Identity & Area Audits
+ Transfer Audits
+ Real-time Audit Refresh Manager
+ AI-based Audit Tasks
Recommendation Engine
+ Bulk Audit Tasks Manager
+  Dashboards & Reports Manager
+ Access Reconciliation Application
+ Audit Scheduler & Tracker Application
+ Reminders & Escalation Application
+ Communication Studio
+ Application Design Studio
+ Reception (VMO) Manager
+ Kiosks & Mobile Kiosks
+ Application Design Studio
+ Watchlist Manager
+ Temp Card Manager
+ Dashboard & Reports Manager
+ Reception (VMO) Manager
+ Kiosks & Mobile Kiosks
+ Application Design Studio
+ Watchlist Manager
+ Temp Card Manager
+ Dashboard & Reports Manager
+ Real-Time Streaming Engine
+ AI & ML Models for Physical Security
+ AI Recommendation Engine
+ Playbook Studios
+ Integration Studios
+ Communication Studios
+ User Interface Studios
+ Report Studios